Friday, March 14, 2008

Welcome to my blog!

Hello Friends,

Thank you for visiting my blog. I am new to this but excited to share my story with you and hopefully inspire some of you who may be struggling with a gluten free diet. I have been eating gluten free for 13 years, and I love to bake and cook, so I have some know-how to share. I am creating my own GF consulting business, and I know there is a need because I went to a GF talk at Whole Foods in my neighborhood last Saturday and there were 20 people there. We walked around the store and talked about products, but it was hard to hear, and there was no chance to really get individual attention or have questions answered. My GlutenFree A-Z business is about walking someone through the basics of eating a gluten free diet. The whole package of consulting includes a trip around your pantry, looking at ingredients and finding the hidden sources of gluten. Then we will take a trip to the health food store, or maybe two, to find the gluten free products that are available and what actually tastes good. Then I will be introducing GF baking to my clients, helping them bake muffins or cookies. Finally, we will go out to eat at a local restaurant that has a GF menu, or at least that caters to special diets. Along the way, we will discuss websites, and do a health assessment so we know what to focus on. I am so excited to be sharing my knowledge with new people. I hope to be able to write frequently about my experiences, so that others can learn from them, and also know there is hope for feeling better!
One piece of advice for newbies: This is a lifestyle change, not a fad diet. You will need to maintain a GF diet for life so that your gut can heal.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Jan! Congrats on the new blog! Great post. :)

~Melissa Kline